Twin IHI Gasifier (TIGAR®)
Completed in 2014 • Pupuk Kujang Industrial Park, Indonesia

In Indonesia, there are ample reserves of low rank coal, but its utilization is limited due to high moisture and lower heating value content. In order to utilize these resources effectively, IHI is developing low rank coal gasification technology (TIGAR®) that can produce the synthetic gas from lignite coal to chemical feedstock for Fertilizer Industry and so on. By applying proven circulating fluidized-bed technology to gasifiers with twin reactors, IHI can gasify lignite coal and biomass at relatively low temperature under atmospheric pressure. TIGAR® prototype plant is under construction in PT. Pupuk Kujang Industrial Estate Area, along with cooperation of PT. Pupuk Kujang and Research & Development Centre For Mineral & Coal Technology Agency of Research & Development For Energy & Mineral Resources, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Republic of Indonesia (tekMIRA). Prototype plant capacity (Coal feed rate) is 50 tons per day. Through this prototype project of development, demonstration phase for application of feedstock for Ammonia / Urea production process, IHI aims to verify this technology with high operability, reliability and economical feasibility to the market needs for the sake of future business development.
Type of Project
Coal Gasification Prototype Project
IHI Scope
Construction and demonstration of TIGAR®
Prototype Plant
State-owned Fertilizer Plant
PT. Pupuk Kujang Industrial Estate, Indonesia
Year of Completion